photo of Burnie supreme court

Fact sheet – Annulled convictions

Last updated: 19/04/2021

An annulled conviction is a minor criminal conviction that has been erased or removed from a person's criminal record. This can happen if the person has been of good behaviour for a certain period of time.

Fact sheet – Victims of crime compensation

Last updated: 20/04/2021

Information on injuries that are compensated, applying for criminal injuries compensation, Criminal Injuries Compensation Commissioner, awards made, link to Victims Assistance Unit.
Photo of man

Fact sheet – Forensic procedures

Last updated: 20/04/2021

Discusses the Forensic Procedures Act 2000, including what a forensic procedure is and the circumstances for carrying out forensic procedures, how forensic procedures are carried out, when the use of force is permitted, the circumstances when a magistrates order is required and consequences for refusing or obstructing a forensic procedures. Provides links to the Act and Tasmania Police.