
Being Cyber Safe Part 1: Using Technology Safely

You may have some rules at home or school about when you can use your phone or device.  We want you to use technology without getting hurt, or hurting someone else, and getting into trouble. 

eSafety Commissioner

This video by the eSafety Commissioner goes for 3:17 mins. Their job is to help people have safe experiences online.

It covers important information about:

  • making good choices with our technology
  • understanding how simple actions online can have big implications;
  • avoiding getting you into serious trouble. 

Do you have TikTok?

This ABC News story features students and teachers from Tasmanian schools (2:03 mins).

Did you know that some countries have banned the use of TikTok?

Dangers with TikTok include:

  • People being able to bully and troll you more easily
  • Loosing control over what you post - anything you post can be seen and forwarded
  • Your videos may identify where you live, or the school you go to, and this information could be used by someone who wants to harm you. 


The following 2 videos each explore a different aspect of the dangers of using technology. 
Choose which one you want to watch and think about the questions at the end. 

"Amazing mind reader"

(Video by Duval Guillame, 2:28 mins)

Wait for the twist at the end.
It might make you rethink your next post.

"Top 10 Notorius Cybercrimes"

(Video by Alltime10s, 2:56 mins)

A list of the "top 10 cybercrimes" that have been committed in recent history. 


What was your favourite video in this part?
Answer these questions about your favourite video:

What is something that surprised you or you didn't know?

What’s one thing you already knew?

In one sentence, what was the main message of the video?

If you had to tell someone what the video was about, what points would you highlight?

Classroom task - infographic

Create a poster or infographic that explains what your favourite video was about.
Your answers to the questions above (under “Reflect”) will help you.

  >> What are the key messages to get across? ​

  >> What images, words and ideas should be included? ​

Here are some tips on how to create an infographic. 


Here's a chance to pause before moving on to the next part. These are all optional and up to you.
When you are ready, click on the button below to move on to Part 2.


Test your understanding with this crossword.

Go to crossword.


Share with a friend

Chat with a friend about what you've covered in this part. ​Tell your friend two or three things that you learned or seemed most important to you.

Where to next?

Previous: Intro


Next: Part 2




Last updated: 04/02/2021