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A lawyer can listen to your story and help identify the next steps you can take.
What support services for victims of crime are available?
As a victim of crime, you have the right to seek justice, to be treated with respect and to be supported in dealing with the effects of the crime upon you.
Victims Support Services is dedicated to victims of crime. The Service:
- produces and maintains an Eligible Persons Register and provides information from that register to victims
- liaises between the victim and other divisions of the Department of Justice
- assists with victim impact statements for court and the parole board
- provides victim/offender mediation
- provides support in lodging Victims of Crime Assistance applications
- provides information about court, legal proceedings, custody, bail, parole processes and victims' rights
- provides a child witness support service for child victims of family violence
- court support and liaison service for victims of family violence
- referral to appropriate community services and resources, and
- advocacy for victims rights.
All services provided by Victims Support Services are free and confidential and can be arranged for people in rural and remote areas.
What is the 'Eligible persons register'?
This is a database that allows victims to be given information about an offender's location and progress through the prison system. Any victim of a violent crime, where the offender has been imprisoned, can go on the register. Family members of victims can also be put on the register.
The type of information stored on the register include the victim's name, address and telephone number, the name of the offender/s involved, and the nature and the date of the crime. The only people who have access to this information are staff of the Department of Justice with a genuine and essential need to have access.
The aim of the register is to provide victims with peace of mind. Victims can be provided with updates of a prisoner's location, classification, parole and hearing dates, as well as possible release times. To join the register you will need to fill out an application form.
What compensation is there for victims of crime?
As a victim of crime you may be eligible for compensation under the Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1976. Under this Act payments are made from a government fund to acknowledge the pain and suffering of a victim and provide compensation for any loss of income or other expenses which have flowed from the criminal conduct. The Victims Support Services processes victims of crime assistance applications and can provide assistance with the wording of applications. Completed victims of crime assistance applications can be lodged with the Victims Support Services. For further information see the Criminal Law - Victims of Crime Compensation Fact Sheet.
Useful contact
Toll Free Number (statewide): 1300 300 238 for after hours emergencies.
E-mail (statewide):
Offices are located at:
Level 1, 54 Victoria Street, Hobart (between Barrack and Harrington Streets)
Phone: (03) 6165 7524 Fax: (03) 6173 0215
Ground Floor, Henty House
Level 1, Civic Square, Launceston
Phone: (03) 6777 2937 Fax: (03) 6173 0215
Level 5, Reece House
46 Mount Street, Burnie
Phone: (03) 6477 7133 Fax: (03) 6173 0215