Safe at home
What is Safe at Home?
The Safe at Home Program is a Tasmanian Government response to family violence. This program involves a range of services working together, to protect and support victims of family violence, including young people and children.
How can we help?
Tasmania Legal Aid has lawyers available to provide legal advice and assistance to victims of family violence. These services may include:
- Explaining how to take out a Family Violence Order
- Assisting in completing applications for a Family Violence Order and representing you in Court
- Advising what Family Violence Orders mean and how they affect you
- Advice and assistance in relation to applications to extend, vary or revoke existing Family Violence Orders
- General advice about Family Law especially care arrangements for children
- Assistance in applying for a grant of Legal Aid in relation to Family Law matters
- Assistance in respect of finding out or explaining criminal charges the offender may be facing and the likely result
- Where Police are making an application for a Police Family Violence Order, assistance working with the Police to achieve the outcome you need, specifically in terms of your safety and other priorities
- Starter advice regarding property
- Advice about how to financially support yourself including through Centrelink, Child Support and other services
We may also provide appropriate referrals to the Court Support and Liaison Service, the Family Violence Counselling and Support Service, the Police Victim Safety Response Teams, Relationships Australia, accommodation services, other legal services and any other services that may be appropriate.
How do I make an appointment?
Call 1300 366 611 to make an appointment with a Safe at Home Lawyer or alternatively attend one of our drop in clinic sessions.
You can also ask for a referral through your Family Violence Counsellor, the Court Support Liaison Service or the Police.