Mental Health Legal Service - text version

What does the Mental Health Tribunal do?

If you are diagnosed with a mental health condition and your doctor considers you are too unwell to decide about your treatment, they must apply to the Tribunal for a treatment order.

A treatment order allows your doctor to give you medication (even if you don’t want it) and sets out whether you are treated at home or in the hospital.

Before making a treatment order, the Tribunal has a hearing which you are invited to attend. The Tribunal is independent from your doctor and only makes an order if the legal tests are met. If an order is made, the Tribunal reviews it regularly and it only stays in place until you are well enough to make your own choices about your treatment.

How do I make an appointment?

Call 1300 366 611.

How much will it cost?

It's free.

How can Tasmania Legal Aid help you?

We are a free service where ever you live in Tasmania.

We can:

  • explain your rights
  • help you with the legal process
  • go to the Tribunal hearing as your lawyer
  • help you regarding your options

Your rights in hospital

When you are in hospital for mental health assessment or treatment you have certain rights.

The hospital staff must give you a list of your rights.

Your rights cover things like:

  • information about your diagnosis and treatment
  • access to news
  • access to general medical treatment
  • allowing you to carry out your cultural and religious practices.

Free Walk in Legal Advice

Come in for free legal advice. If you need representation, we can advise you and make an application for Legal Aid.

Hobart office

Monday to Friday
10:30am to 2:00pm
158 Liverpool Street Hobart TAS 7000

Launceston office

Monday to Friday
10:30am to 1:00pm
64 Cameron Street Launceston TAS 7250

Devonport office

Monday and Wednesday
12:30pm to 1:30pm
8 Griffith Street Devonport TAS 7310

Burnie office

Tuesday and Thursday
12:30pm to 1:30pm
50 Alexander Street Burnie TAS 7320

For free legal advice call 1300 366 611

Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
and speak directly to a lawyer

or find us on the web:

Last updated: 06/10/2022