CLE Program in Schools

A lawyer is available to come to a school to talk to students on various topics. Our presentations can be tailored to a specific age group and delivered to a class or assembly. 

We also participate in expos and other special events hosted by schools. 

Popular topics for presentations include: 

  • Consent and e-Safety (consent to sex, sexting and social media use, power in relationships) 
  • Being Cyber Safe (bullying and social media use) 
  • Party Safe (drugs, alcohol, consent to sex, parties) 
  • Dealing with Police (rights when dealing with Police) 
  • Going It Alone (for school leavers - renting, cars, phones, workplace) 
  • Violence (one-hit punch, bullying, peer pressure) 

Call us on 1300 366 611 or email

Last updated: 07/02/2024