COTA-TLA seniors sessions for North and North-West
Close to 200 professionals working in the family law sector came together in Hobart to attend the inaugural Tasmanian Family Law Pathways Network (FLPN) Conference to promote greater collaboration within the sector.
TLA’s Family Advocacy and Support Services lawyer Sally Hunt discussed at the conference how FASS assists clients using real-world scenarios.
"With the royal commission report coming out in the past couple of weeks, there has been a spotlight on elder abuse and the situations that are happening in aged care homes," she said.
TLA and COTA launched their free legal service for senior Tasmanians to provide advice for general legal matters and offer advice and information on elder abuse, which needed dedicated and specialised services to support the elderly.
"It can be difficult and that's where family and friends come into play… very often family, friends or concerned professionals may make the first contact," she said.
The clinics will run on the third Thursday of every month.