Consumer credit
Get advice on your debts
The consumer credit lawyer is able to provide advice and minor assistance to people with financial difficulties. The lawyer can tell you about your rights and responsibilities and give you advice if you are being sued by your creditors.
What help is available?
The consumer credit lawyer can:
- Negotiate on your behalf with creditors;
- Help you deal with debt collectors;
- Provide minor assistance in filing a defence to court claims;
- Help you negotiate if you are behind on your home loan;
- Provide support and referral to other services.
Does it cost anything?
This service is free and available to anyone in financial difficulties.
Do you need to make an appointment?
Yes, call 1300 366 611 for an appointment.
Educating groups about consumer credit
We provide free education sessions for community groups advising on debts, negotiating repayments, dealing with creditors and court proceedings. These sessions are run by our lawyers and statewide, see book an education session.