Have you been affected by flooding?
After the extreme weather event experienced in southern Tasmania last week, many people will be assessing damage, lodging insurance claims and considering whether they need legal help.
Which Legal Aid services can help?
Fact sheets
Our factsheet on floods might be a good place to start.
Legal Talk
Get some information from Legal Talk, or new web chat service located on the home page of our website.
Telephone Advice Service
For any legal questions or issues in relation to flood damage, you can speak to a lawyer on our free and confidential telephone advice service on 1300 366 611 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Legal Advice Clinic
To speak to a lawyer face to face, come to one of our clinic sessions held each weekday in our Hobart office between 10.30 a.m. - 2.00 p.m.