Our board

Last updated: 16/03/2023

The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania is responsible to a board of five commissioners, including the director.

Our brochures

Last updated: 07/02/2024

All our brochures can now be downloaded and printed or can be read in a text only format. To listen to a brochure, go to the text version and click the read-speaker button.

Legal representation

Last updated: 24/01/2024

We can provide legal representation for family law, family violence, criminal law and mental health matters (mental health tribunal or guardianship board.) If you need advice on a civil matter then contact our telephone advice service.

Speak with a lawyer

Last updated: 18/01/2024

If you need advice on any legal issue you can come and see a lawyer for a private consultation at one of our clinics. If you need to make an application for legal aid for family law, family violence, criminal law or mental health matters come and see a lawyer at clinic.

How we are funded

Last updated: 22/06/2017

The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania is funded by both Federal and State Governments. Our Commonwealth and State law programs determine the amount of money we receive.