From 10 September 2019, personal cross-examination can be banned by a court in Family Law proceedings where allegations of family violence have been made and certain criteria met.
You can apply for legal aid through either the Legal Aid Commission or through a private lawyer. To apply through the Legal Aid Commission, simply come into one of our clinic advice sessions in Burnie, Devonport, Launceston or Hobart. You don’t need an appointment. To find out the times and days in your area see clinic advice information. To apply through a private lawyer, make an appointment with a lawyer of your choice.
We can provide legal representation for family law, family violence, criminal law and mental health matters (mental health tribunal or guardianship board.) If you need advice on a civil matter then contact our telephone advice service.
The consumer credit lawyer is able to provide advice and minor assistance to people with financial difficulties. The lawyer can tell you about your rights and responsibilities and give you advice if you are being sued by your creditors.